Message from TPC Chairs
There were three main tracks at BIM 2023. These are Data Science and Big Data, Internet of Things, and Machine Learning. Authors can submit their research contributions till March 31, 2023. The submitted papers will undergo double blind review process soliciting expert opinion from at least three experts: at least two independent reviewers and the respective track chair. After the rigorous review reports from the reviewers and the track chairs, the technical committee will select papers for the presentation at BIM 2023. The accepeted and presented papers will be submitted for the possible inclusion in
- Springer Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems
- Taylor and Francis Books.
- Data Driven Applications for Industry 4.0 and Beyond
- Intelligent Networks and Systems: Advanced Technologies and Applications
- Machine Learning for Healthcare Informatics: Techniques and Applications
- Springer Studies in Rhythm Engineering
- Printed Volume
The committee has decided to select and give several “Best Paper Awards”at BIM 2023. We believe that the research ideas those will be presented at BIM 2023 will motivate the academic researchers and industry professionals, to contribute for the national and global advancement, particularly from the technical point of view.
We are expressing our sincere gratitude to the researchers who who are going to contribute at BIM 2023 in different ways. Our sincere gratefullness to the members of the international and national advisory committees, general chairs, general co-chairs, organizing committee members, track chairs, track co-chairs for their unconditional willingness to support BIM 2023. With the supports and efforts from you all, we are looking to create global impact of BIM 2023.
Mohammad Abu Yousuf, Bangladesh
Sheak Rashed Haider Noori, Bangladesh
M. Azharul Hasan, Bangladesh