Call for Contributions

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Big Data, IoT and Machine Learning are important components of 4.0 Industrial Revolution. For the sustainability of development, it is necessary to prepare our researchers as well as the students to conduct their innovation and research with the components of 4.0 IR. Considering this scenario, 2nd International Conference on Big Data, IoT and Machine Learning (BIM 2023) is going to be organized by Center for Intelligent Computing in association with Department of CSE, Daffodil International University, Bangladesh and IIT, Jahangirnagar University, Bangladesh on September 06-08, 2023 in hybrid mode. Details about BIM 2023 will be available at the website We hope BIM 2023 is going to be a good platform for researchers, professionals and students to involve them in innovation and research related to the components of 4.0 IR.

The primary focus of the contributions related but not limited to following topics:

Track 1: Data Science and Big Data

Data Collection; Data Preprocessing; Data Mining; Data Summarization; Multimedia Systems; Image processing; Visual Information Processing; Speech Processing; Bioinfomatics and Biomedical data processing; Sensor Data Processing; NoSQL Databases; Geospatial Data Processing; Location-based Services Programming Models and Environments; Software Techniques and Architectures; Heterogeneous Architectures; Computational Modeling; Crowd Sourcing; Recommendation Systems and Social Media Systems;Information Extraction; Information Retrieval; Information Visualization; Data Privacy, Anomaly and APT Detection; Data Anninimization; Blockchain; Big Data Algorithms and Methodology; Business Models and Challenges; Big Data Analytics for Small Business Enterprises (SMEs), Governments, Public Sectors and Societies in General; Real-life Case Studies of Value Creation through Big Data Analytics, Application Development using Large Data Management Frameworkssuch as MapReduce, Spark Etc.High Performance/Parallel Computing; Cyber-infrastructure: Architectures, Design and Deployment; Energy-efficient Computing; Green computing; Cloud and Grid Computing.

Track 2: Machine Learning

Multiagent Systems; Supervised and Unsupervised Models; NLP; Deep Learning; Reinforcement Learning in Physical Systems; Machine Learning for COVID-19; Statistical Inference; Intelligent Foraging; Navigation and Search Strategies; Generation of Training Datasets; Decision Support Systems; Brain Informatics; Genetic Algorithms, Swarm Optimization; Intelligent Transportation Systems; Performance Evaluation and Modeling.

Track 3: Internet of Things (IoT)

IoT Services and Applications; IoT for Agricultures and Environments; Software Architecture and Middleware; Context-Awareness and Location-Awareness; Networking and Communication Protocols; Machine to Machine Communications; Energy Efficiency; IoT for Smart City and Smart Village; Architecture for Secure and Interactive IoT; Sensor Networks, Remote Diagnosis and Development; Transportation Management Traffic Theory; Modeling and Simulation; Intelligent Infrastructure and Guidance Systems for Vehicles; Smart Grid.

Important Dates:

Paper Submission Extended Deadline :(Closed)
Acceptance Notification:  July 05, 2023
Camera Ready Submission:  July 15, 2023
Registration Deadline:  July 20, 2023

For any query, suggestion or question pleases contact with Prof. Dr. Mohammad Shamsul Arefin, Conference General Chair, BIM 2023 at the email: