Presentation Guidelines and Slides Preparation
Download Slides Preparation and Presentation Guidelines
Request to read each point carefully
- One of the authors must have to present the paper during the conference physically. However, if there are some valid reasons, authors must fill up the form from the link explaining the reasons of the validity of online presentation within August 25, 2023. You may need to copy and past the link in the browser to access the form.
- In case of online presentations, we shall send the kits of authors at the address that will be provided in the form.
- Time allocation for each paper is at most 15 minutes (10 minutes for presentation and five minutes for question answering). Authors should strictly follow the time frame for the presentation. Otherwise, the paper may not be considered for best paper award. There are several best paper awards.
- While preparing presentation slides we request you to follow the following guidelines:
- Introduction: 1 slide (Presentation time: 30 sec)
- Problem Statement: 1 slide (Presentation time: 1 min)
- Related work (you can address 3-4 most significant work related to your work with their contributions, limitations and significant difference with your work): 3-4 slides (Presentation time: 1 min 30 sec)
- Research Questions: 1 slide (Presentation time: 20 sec)
- Objectives : 1 slide (Presentation time: 20 sec)
- Outcomes and Impacts: : 1 slide (Presentation time: 20 sec)
- Methodology / System Architecture: 2-4 slides (Presentation time: 3 min)
- Experimental / Simulation Results: 3-5 slides (Presentation time: 2 min)
- Conclusion: 1 slide (Presentation time: 20 sec)
- Future Research Direction: 1 slide (Presentation time: 20 sec)
- References (Just show): 1-3 slides (Time: 15 sec)
- Acknowledgement (Just show)(if anyone to acknowledge): 1 slide (Time: 5 sec)
Note that authors for physical presentations do not need to follow the following steps.
In case of online presentations authors must have to follow the following rules.
- It is very important to ensure the participation of all authors of each paper during the presentation, even unregistered authors. This is due to the fact that if the connection of the presenter is lost, other authors can come forward to complete the remaining part of the presentation.
At BIM 2023, we are keeping the facilities for unregistered authors to join online as well.
- Authors should prepare both video presentations and power point presentations. Authors must have to upload both video presentations and power point presentations. The file names must have following name conventions:
- File names for power point slides: Paper ID_Presenter Full Name.pptx
- File names for video presentation: Paper ID_Presenter Full Name.mpeg.
Any other well-known video format is also acceptable. But naming conversion is very important
- The link for uploading .pptx and video files will be activated within August 25, 2023 for uploading files for online presentations. Even though authors need to upload both presentations, the presentation will be live presentation by the authors. In case of any emergency situation such as loss of connection, slides display problems of the authors, we shall use play video presentations from our side. Even we play video presentations (in case of emergency) from our side, the authors of the paper must be available to interact with session chairs, session co-chairs and other participants of the session during question answering.
- All authors need to stay at the presentation room till the end of the session. We shall distribute certificates to the authors at the end of the corresponding session and send the certificates of all presented papers in the session just after the session via email.