Guidelines for Rhythms Engineering Camera Ready Papers

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  • Request to carefully read each sentence of the document below.

Dear Author(s),

BIM 2023 Technical Program Committee is pleased for the presentation at the BIM 2023 and for the possible publication as book chapter in the Springer Studies in Rhythm Engineering. Note that  your paper will be considered for possible publication in Springer Studies in Rhythm Engineering as long as you submit camera ready version by addressing the comments from the reviewers and format accurately as well as submit reviewers response form. Note that only latex version of the cameraready paper is acceptable for the Springer Studies in Rhythm Engineering.

    • Create a folder having same name as your Paper ID and put camera ready version of your paper and reviewers response of your paper in the folder.
    • Then create a zip file of the folder. Not that no other compressed file format is acceptable.
    • Now, upload the zip file by visiting the link and follwing the camera ready submission menu. Note that no other form of camera ready submission is acceptable.

Important Notes:

 Please remember the following points while preparing your cameraready  version of your paper.

  • Each paper should have a length of minimum 15 pages.
  • Write the author’s name properly and sequentially, upon all of their formal approvals to submit the paper. Make sure that a name means just a name. DO NOT include Dr./Prof./Graduate Student/Mr./Ms. etc. in the names or affiliations. Affiliations mean the Dept./Address/Institutes. DO NOT include any designation. Add ALL authors’ valid email addresses and mark the CORRESPONDING AUTHOR in the author list.
  • Abstract: Is it concise and accurate and within the word limits as mentioned in the template? Usually 150~250 words.
  • For more clarity and readability, please check the English of your paper by an expert or a native speaker.
  • Make sure that no part of this paper (including Figure/Table/Algorithm) is copied from other sources. Make sure that you did not do any plagiarism or self-plagiarism? The similarity must be less than 15% (Overall) and < 4% from a single source.
  • Make sure that ALL images/illustrations are from you and drawn by you [even if you want to redraw from another document, make sure that you give reference properly, and take the permission (if needed)]. Do not just download it from a website/paper and put it in the paper. Try to redraw in higher-resolution and use less color. Make sure that texts within an image are clear and font sizes are proper. See the instructions on images from the respective website.
  • Make sure that there is no formatting problem, no typo/spelling Mistakes, no problems on proper punctuations, no mixed fonts, and make sure that all sections/subsections/Figure Numbers/Table Numbers/References, etc. are properly marked.
  • In Acknowledgment, make sure that you do it properly but do not write too much (less than 3 sentences) [ NOT Mandatory].
  • Make sure that all references are 100% cited within the paper. Try to put references from quality journals or conferences.
  • If you refer a web-link, make sure that you put the access date and the title of the site.
  • Registration: at least one author of your paper MUST REGISTER and PRESENT the paper at the conference. Failing to do so, your paper will be withdrawn and not be included in the proceedings. The online registration will be opened soon and you will be notified once it is opened.


Please note the following dates:

  • Camera-Ready Paper – 15 July 2023
  • Registration Deadline – 20 July 2023
  • Date of Conference –September 06-08, 2023


All updates will be shared on time via our website and through email to the corresponding authors of accepted papers.

We are looking forward to seeing you at BIM 2023.
Technical Program Committee
BIM 2023