Big Data, Internet of Things and Machine Learning Conference Date: 06-08, September, 2023 << Papers notifications already sent to the authors. >> Publication Partner << Papers notifications already sent to the authors. >> Conference Date: 06-08, September, 2023 Publication Partner Conference Date: 06-08, September, 2023 << Papers notifications already sent to the authors. >> Publication Partner << Papers notifications already sent to the authors. >> Publication Partner Conference Date: 06-08, September, 2023

Welcome you all at International Conference on Big Data, IoT and Machine Learning (BIM 2023). We are in the era of Fourth Industrial Revolution that is a new chapter in human development enabled by extraordinary technology advances and making a fundamental change in the way we live, work and relate to one another. It is an opportunity to help everyone, including leaders, policy-makers and people from all income groups and nations, to harness converging technologies in order to create an inclusive, human-centered future.

Big Data, IoT and Machine Learning are three important components of 4.0 Industrial Revolution. We need to prepare our graduates as well as researchers to conduct their research with 4.0 IR related technologies such as Bid Data, Machine Learning, IoT, Robotics, Augmented Reality, Virtual Reality, 3D Printing etc. We need to develop policies and implement the policies focusing the components of 4.0 IR for sustainable developments. Considering this fact, 2nd International Conference on Big Data, IoT and Machine Learning (BIM 2023) is going to be organized by Center for Intelligent Computing in association with Department of CSE, Daffodil International University, Bangladesh and IIT, Jahangirnagar University, Bangladesh on September 06-08, 2023. We hope that BIM 2023 is going to be a good platform for researchers, professionals and students to involve them in innovation and research related to 4.0 IR.

We are pleased to inform you that at BIM 2023 we have renowned scholars from home and abroad at our advisory committee, technical program committee and organizing committee. We plan to invite renowned keynote speakers, invited speakers, resource personnel to BIM 2023. We plan to publish all accepted and presented papers in any of the following

  1. Springer Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems
  2. Taylor and Francis Books.
    1. Data Driven Applications for Industry 4.0 and Beyond
    2. Intelligent Networks and Systems: Advanced Technologies and Applications
    3. Machine Learning for Healthcare Informatics: Techniques and Applications
  3. Springer Studies in Rhythm Engineering
  4. Printed Volume

You will be highly pleased that the proceeding with 59 papers of BIM 2021 already published at Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems that has already accessed more than 26k times. Details are at the link Three books (i). Applied Informatics for Industry 4.0 (19 papers) (ii) Applied Informatics for Industry 4.0 (24 papers) and (iii). Computer Vision and Image Analysis for Industry 4.0 (15 papers) are also going to be published by the publisher Taylor and Francis with papers of BIM 2021.

We request the faculty members, researchers round the globe to submit their contributions in this great international event.